afri-Biz Corporate Account
Why afri-Biz?
Sign up for streamlined booking, itenary and travel cost management facility for your company. Afri-biz is specially designed to meet the needs of corporate travel.
Your company will benefit from a good discount that will make your travel costs more affordable. Now is the perfect time to start getting maximum benefit out of your company travel.
Afri-Biz Loyalty Program
- A corporate solution product with outstanding features
- Packages specifically designed around your needs.
- Easy management of your company travel
- Managers can download a comprehensive range of real time reports detailing shuttle activity.
- The system can be integrated to any online travel booking engine on request.
- You can book your shuttle online and get confirmed via email or sms.
- You will also be notified of any flight delays in order to plan your life properly.
- The system can generate a Tax Invoice.
- Afri-Biz Booking Tool- 30 Days account
- An account can be set up with the travel agent or company directly on our Afri-Biz booking tool which can be found on
- We invoice after the transfer is completed. A statement will be issued to the relevant accounts department on a monthly basis. Payments can be made either by cheques or EFT.
- Corporate accounts on a 30 day account also qualify for corporate discounts which range from 5-20 percent per transfer.
- The travel booker will be given a username and password to log into the Afri-biz online system to make bookings. We will also provide expenditure report in different formats eg, customer, cost centre and airport transfer/journey.
- A tax invoice can be generated electronically by a press of a button.